UKBA raids in East London, Thursday 10th October
**ARN raid report, 10th October Ridley Road Market**
A witness told anti raids:
‘I went to Ridley Road after I saw a photo posted on Twitter around 1:30PM. There were 3 UKBA vans and another black van with a small ‘Home Office’ sticker in the window. While I was there 7 UKBA officers and two men without any uniforms went to a butchers shop, the market and a residential property next to it.
Someone, likely the landlord, let them in to the house. They didn’t take anyone while I was there. I spoke to one of the people at the butchers. They told me UKBA took 4 people from the shop shortly before. A shop worker said that he asked them for a warrant before he let them in to the premises and they had a warrant. It was for a single named person but they took four people. They said they needed to take them to the Home Office for checks and ‘may be’ released later. They were also accompanied by plain clothes police officers.”

**ARN raid report, 10th October: Bethnal Green, midday**
Friends of the Anti Raids Network, based in Bethnal Green tweeted a raid at midday.
UKBA were reported to be raiding a property around midday. People from the community filmed the UKBA officers and told them they ‘are not welcome in Bethnal Green’.
There were 8 officers; 5 men, 3 women, in UKBA uniforms. They were targeting a shop on Bethnal Green Road. Witnesses tried to enter the shop but it was being barred by two officers. A few customers tried to get in, including one person who, when they were told it was the Border Agency, said ‘They’re doing that here now? That’s the first time I’ve ever seen them here’.
Witnesses saw through the window that officers were questioning a guy at the back (he looked of a different ethnicity to the two shopkeepers). They were also taking details from the main shopkeeper, who was quietly complying. At one point their hold on the door slipped, and witnesses got inside. Officers were asked what they were doing, they said “step outside, we’re just making some enquiries”. When witnesses didn’t comply, officers threatened them with arrest for obstruction.
Witnesses waited outside and tried speaking to a couple of the officers when they came out. They told them they weren’t wanted here and they were just spreading fear. They threatened people filming with arrest. Fortunately, they left the building empty handed; no one was arrested.
From the Anti Raids Network…
Raids are happening daily across London; people are being swept up in these racist checks. We should continue to resist and challenge the raids. Remember it is not an offence to film UKBA officers or the police; tell your friends and neighbours. They will always try to tell you it is obstruction, but this is just a scare tactic.
You are allowed to film! We should film! Solidarity with all people being targeted by UKBA.