Category: General

UKBA doubles capacity to arrest suspects

The UKBA now have an extra 550 arrest trained officers, doubling its previous capacity, according to a debate in the House of Lords last month.

When challenged by a Labour peer about what plans the Conservatives have to increase the number of deportations, Lord Taylor claimed that:

“Over the course of the year Immigration Enforcement will have recruited over 400 new Arrest Trained officers and converted 150 posts from non-arrest trained to Arrest Trained posts, doubling the arrest capacity available.”

He also revealed the hard-fist behind the #racistvan, with “a total of 4,150 paid Full Time Equivalent staff” plotting how to catch people. Ominously, he added that “the Immigration Enforcement Directorate is currently recruiting frontline posts to secure the removal of immigration offenders.”

Why we resist: ARN statement of principles

The following is an agreed set of principles discussed and drafted by the different groups and individuals involved in the Anti Raids Network.

1. We believe that all people should be free to travel and live where they want, whatever countries we were born in, whether we were born rich or poor, and whatever passports or papers we have. In this world the wealthy are free to move wherever they want. They use immigration controls to divide us by labelling us “citizens” and “migrants”, “legal” and “illegal”, “genuine” and “bogus”. We are against all immigration controls. We believe that no one is illegal. We believe in freedom of movement.

2. We believe that all people should be free from violence, attacks, and harassment by the state, its armies, police, and immigration officers. We oppose all state repression.

3. We oppose all forms of racism; from individuals, the state, the media and other institutions. Immigration controls are inherently racist.

4. Immigration controls are part of a vicious global system of capitalism and colonialism. The British Empire and other colonial powers are not just history. Powerful corporations and governments are still colonising and destroying the world for profit, and the entire economy functions on plundered resources such as oil. They use immigration controls to protect the wealth they have looted over centuries, to push down wages, and to stop us from uniting.

5. Our weapon is solidarity. The only way to fight immigration controls, and other attacks by the rich and powerful, is to create networks of resistance that bring together individuals and communities. We need to come together on the streets, in our areas and workplaces, and fight side by side with our neighbours.

6. Immigration checks and raids on our homes, streets, communities and workplaces are  violent attacks on us by the racist state. They can have extreme consequences, including lengthy periods of detention, deportation and, in some cases, death. Raids and checks need to be opposed wherever and however we can.

7. We can use the law to oppose immigration controls, by challenging the legality of raids, and by spreading information about our legal rights. However, we remember that the law belongs to the powerful. We only have certain rights because people have fought for them. They will take away legal rights wherever they think they can get away with it. Legal challenges are not our only path, but just one part of creating resistance.

8. The Anti Raids Network is just one network of groups and individuals in London. We are not the only people fighting immigration raids. We encourage everyone to take action in your own areas and in your own ways. We encourage anyone to use and spread our materials (bustcards, posters, videos, etc.), or change them to suit your needs, and fight for yourselves and your communities.

9. Ours is a non-hierarchical network: we have no leaders. There are no officials or central committee. We are individuals and members of different groups who share these aims and principles, and want to work together. We have respect for each other and work together as equals.

10. Fighting raids is one way we can come together with our neighbours and create communities of mutual aid to can challenge racism, capitalism and social control.


Thursday 29th August 2013, 2.30pm


UKBA raid on currency exchange, West Green Road, Tottenham (London).

2013-08-29 Tottenham West Green 1

Two Asian men were detained by UK border agents this afternoon near Seven Sisters. Three vans arrived around 2:30pm and the raid was over by around 3:30pm.

2013-08-29 Tottenham West Green 2

Two of the vans were checkered, the third was dark blue, showing that the UKBA are still using some of their older unmarked vehicles.  The shop is a currency exchange owned by two brothers.  One owner had gone to pick up his brother and the raid was already in progress by the time they arrived.  There were only UKBA agents involved (no Police). According to street witnesses and shop owners they only went into the one shop.  One of the agents told the owners that they had intelligence that one of their employees had overstayed his visa.  The agent had an A4 printed page with the man’s face on it.  This employee was arrested.  A second man who was on the street outside the shop and unknown to the owners was also (randomly) arrested. Both men were Asian.

The Anti Raids Network are helping organise legal support.

Thursday 15th August 2013, 11am


UKBA raided 2 hair & beauty shops on Kingsland Road, Dalston (London).

6 people were reportedly arrested, including at least 3 Asian men. Immigration Officers were accompanied by Police, Trading Standard and Hackney Council.

Black customers told Anti Raids Network that they were made to show officers their ID before leaving the shop, and that plain-clothed police were involved. Activists gave out ‘know your rights’ cards to concerned passers-by and used social media to alert nearby journalists.

Guia actualizada en Español de la firma de abogados Bhatt Murphy

Esta guia explica los aspectos legales detallados sobre el caracter discriminatorio de los chequeos migratorios / redadas.

Enterese como recientemente alguien gano un caso legal en contra de la UKBA alegando que dicha agencia gubernamental actuo de forma racista al pedir papeles y detener prolongadamente a la persona exclusivamente porque ‘sonaba extranjera’ (debido a su acento).

Este caso ilustra que las personas que son víctimas de chequeos ilegales e interrogatorios por parte de de los agentes de inmigración o agentes de la policía, pueden llevar a cabo acciones legales para hacer valer sus derechos. Las personas que crean que hayan sido ilegalmente detenidas en interrogadas deberian buscar asesoramiento jurídico con respecto a cualquier solucion que este a su alcance.

Successful legal challenge to immigration checks!

A claimant with Bhatt Murphy solicitors successfully challenged an immigration check earlier this month on discrimination grounds because she was stopped and questioned on the basis of her accent.

“The Home Office has recently settled a discrimination claim brought by a British woman of Croatian descent who was represented by Bhatt Murphy solicitors. The claimant was stopped and surrounded in South London by Metropolitan police officers during a ‘spot-check’ and threatened with arrest. She was then referred to a Home Office immigration officer for an immigration check which confirmed her to be British. It was the Claimant’s case that the only explanation for her prolonged stop was that she did not have a British accent, which amounted to discrimination and harassment. The claim against the Home Office was settled in return for the payment of damages and without an admission of liability. The claim against the Commissioner of the Police for the Metropolis is ongoing. This case illustrates that individuals who are victims of unlawful stops and questioning by either immigration officers or police officers can take legal action to enforce their rights. Individuals who think that they may have been unlawfully targeted should seek legal advice in respect of any remedies that may be available to them.”

The full document give details about the difference between police and immigration officers duties in an immigration check, and also states that any check should NOT be made “purely on race, nationality or accent” grounds as “this may amount to either direct discrimination or harassment contrary to the Equality Act”:

Immigration spot checks – a legal introduction,

Racist van

[ As of Monday 5th August, “Go home or face arrest” number 78070 is still working! Text them HOME and join the action!]

Photograph: Rick Findler (The Guardian) Photograph: Rick Findler (The Guardian)

The Home Office launched a one-week exercise last week, where vans displaying large adverts encourage migrants to leave the UK. They were circulating in 6 London boroughs. In their latest xenophobic move “Go home or face arrest” was the message:

Even if the vans are no longer moving around London, leaflets and posters with the same violent threat have been and continue to be spread in targeted shops and cafes.

The Home Office continue to decide where people’s homes are: abroad, in jail/detention centre, out of sight. No matter how long a person has been living in the UK, no matter how strong their community and family ties may be.

A phone campaign: take action this week!

Text HOME to 78070, the Home Office can call you back and help you find a home!

Tell the Home Office where you want to live and if you would like
to see racist vans in it.


visit Promo group, the company driving the billboards around
London: and tell them what you think about making profit out of racist policies.

Raid opposed by Southall Black Sisters

Following the racist van controversy, we are very pleased to see increased grassroots opposition to racist immigration checks and raids this past week. Analysis will be posted here soon, but in the meantime, watch and take inspiration from yesterday’s fantastic action by Southall Black Sisters.